Hey family!

I flew into D.C. last night.  I’m actually in Arlington Virginia (Ill include my address below), but I’m pretty close.  I’m also pretty nervous because I have no idea what to expect tomorrow.
The ward is really nice though.  There are a lot of people who used to live in Utah and are now working full time here.  One of the kids on my flight last night just finished his masters in finance at the University of Utah.  He is originally from main-land China and was baptized the same day he graduated….so last week.  🙂 His name is David and I think he will be a great friend this summer.  He has lived here in the past and is in the same apartment building as me.  He is very nice and I am grateful to have him here.
I really enjoyed getting together with everyone on Friday. Thank you for coming!  We sure missed Scott, Lorinda, and Jennifer, and of course the cute part of our family (Saryn, Marea, and Kevin (not you Dad)).  I really do appreciate all of your help.  That was an intense day/week for me and you made it a lot easier.  I am grateful I have such a good family and glad I have an excuse to come visit you all in a month!
Lots of love!
-Ryan Allred